Expert Photo Processing Book
Does your processing and editing workflow involve a lot of guessing? Do you often hope you’ll discover a slider or adjustment that will make your photographs look the way you envisioned them? When you’re done editing, do you sense something is missing from your photographs, but you’re not quite sure what?
This book can revolutionize how you approach processing, showing you how to clearly identify the problems in your photographs and providing practical and consistent ways to help you resolve them. Rich Seiling presents the proven and powerful approach he has used to make tens of thousands of fine art prints for museums and galleries across the world. Learn his techniques and achieve the professional results you’ve always wanted.
Does your processing and editing workflow involve a lot of guessing? Do you often hope you’ll discover a slider or adjustment that will make your photographs look the way you envisioned them? When you’re done editing, do you sense something is missing from your photographs, but you’re not quite sure what?
This book can revolutionize how you approach processing, showing you how to clearly identify the problems in your photographs and providing practical and consistent ways to help you resolve them. Rich Seiling presents the proven and powerful approach he has used to make tens of thousands of fine art prints for museums and galleries across the world. Learn his techniques and achieve the professional results you’ve always wanted.
Does your processing and editing workflow involve a lot of guessing? Do you often hope you’ll discover a slider or adjustment that will make your photographs look the way you envisioned them? When you’re done editing, do you sense something is missing from your photographs, but you’re not quite sure what?
This book can revolutionize how you approach processing, showing you how to clearly identify the problems in your photographs and providing practical and consistent ways to help you resolve them. Rich Seiling presents the proven and powerful approach he has used to make tens of thousands of fine art prints for museums and galleries across the world. Learn his techniques and achieve the professional results you’ve always wanted.